June 11

Interac Cuts Union Members’ Pay Following Settlement



Interac has cut the pay of four Tozen Union members, soon after reaching a partial settlement in their bad faith negotiation case at the Tokyo Labor Commission. The Union believes these pay cuts are transparent retaliation for striking and for seeking redress in the Labor Commission.


Last year Phil, a union member working at Interac North, was moved to a new placement for the 2023/24 school year with a different Board of Education. His working hours were increased and his pay also increased by 9000 yen a month. But after Phil signed his new contract, management contacted him claiming it listed an incorrect salary.


Phil met with two managers from Interac North at a local Gusto, where they explained that he had been given a contract that listed the pay for the previous teacher. They asked Phil to sign a new contract with the “correct salary,” — 9000 yen a month less. Phil stated that he had signed on the basis of increased pay for increased hours and he didn’t feel comfortable signing a contract with lower pay. The managers pressured him to sign the new contract there and then. One of them went so far as to threaten Phil couldn’t leave until he signed the new contract.


Phil did not sign the contract but contacted the Union. When Tozen reached out to Interac, they claimed that Phil wasn’t threatened. They never contacted Phil for his side of the story — but when the Union asked who they had interviewed about the incident, Interac claimed they had spoken to those involved.


Thanks to the Union’s intervention, Phil was able to go to work at the rate of pay he’d originally agreed to. Toward the end of the school year, he received an email from Interac saying that he would be paid the same rate for the upcoming year. When he received the new contract, though, Phil’s new monthly salary was reduced by 9000 yen. Tozen is confident that the Labor Commission will see this as illegal treatment of a Union member.


Matt, a member at Interac Kansai Tokai, has had his pay cut by 124,214 yen. Matt had worked at the same school in Wakayama for seven years, yet after six months of participating in strikes, he was reassigned to work from home, making teaching materials for other ALTs. When he received his addendum for the 2024/25 school year, he was shocked to see that his working period had been significantly reduced. Interac added a total of 11 days to Matt’s unpaid spring vacation, resulting in a 124,214 yen annual reduction in salary. 

マット組合員(インタラック関西東海)は、124,214円の賃金カットを言い渡されました。マットは和歌山県内の学校に7年間勤務していましたが、ストライキに参加した半年後、ALT講師の教材作成の在宅勤務に配置転換されました。2024/25 年度の契約変更覚書を受け取ったとき、彼は自分の勤務時間が大幅に減らされていることにショックを受けました。インタラックはマットの無給の春季休暇に計11日間を追加し、結果として年間124,214円の減給となったのです。

In Collective Bargaining, management claimed that Matt’s suggestions, due to his abilities and experience as a teacher, could help other ALTs perform better in their schools. If that is true, then why wasn’t Matt offered a management position and a raise in pay? The union sees this for what it is: retaliation for Matt’s union activism.


Jesse and David, ALTs at Interac Kanto South, were given a different kind of pay cut. Both teachers previously worked without issue as Morning Standby substitute teachers, a position that comes with an allowance of about 1000 yen per day. For this school year Jesse and David lost the Morning Standby position and the allowance. Instead they were given three days a week as standard substitute teachers and two days a week making training materials for ALTs, curtailing their ability to strike effectively. In Collective Bargaining, the Union was told that there were five Morning Standby teachers at the end of the 2023/24 school year and only three now — meaning only Union members were cut from the roster. Suspicious? We’ll have to see what the Labor Commission thinks.

ジェシー組合員とディビット組合員(インタラック関東南)は、また違った種類の賃金カットを受けました。二人はこれまで、モーニング・スタンバイという1日約1000円の手当が支給される代行教員として、特に問題なく働いてきました。今年度、二人はモーニング・スタンバイのポジションと手当を失いました。代わりに、週3日は通常の代行教員として、週2日は ALT 用のトレーニング教材を作る業務を与えられたため、実効性のあるストライキを行うことができなくなりました。団体交渉で、組合は2023/24年度末には5名のモーニング・スタンバイ教師がいたと聞いていましたが、現在は3名しかいません。つまりは、組合員だけが登録から外されたということでしょうか。疑わしくはないでしょうか。労働委員会が どう判断するか注目する必要があります。

Interac must stop its antisocial treatment of Union members. The company risks losing all the goodwill they have gained at the Labor Commission following their efforts to settle with the Union.


Tozen Union has issued a deadline to Interac that coincides with our June 17 labor commission hearing. We will not accept retaliation against union members for exercising their constitutionally protected trade union rights. If Interac doesn’t retract these pay cuts by our deadline, we plan to hold a nationwide strike of our membership on June 17. This strike can be avoided if Interac would just play fair.  


Interac still have not learned that they cannot bully our members into submission. Tozen will continue to fight whenever Interac treats our members disadvantageously. We will continue to strike. We will continue to press our case in Labor Commission. We will not stop. Interac’s only option is to negotiate and settle with us in good faith. They have done so before and we know they can do it again. We await their return to the table.

インタラックはいまだに、組合員をいじめて服従させることはできないということをわかっていないのです。東ゼンはインタラックが組合員に不利益な扱いをする限り、闘い続けます。私たちはストライキを実施し続けます。これからも労働委員会で、この問題を 追及し続けます。今後も決して諦めるつもりはありません。インタラックが取るべき唯一の選択肢は、誠意をもって私たちと交渉し、和解することです。これまでもそうしてきましたし、今回もそうできることを私たちは確信しています。インタラックが交渉のテーブルに再び戻ってくることを私たちは待っているのです。

Do you work at Interac? Email our Case Officer, Gerome Rothman >> tozen.rothman@gmail.com << for a free, confidential consultation.

インタラックにお勤めの方は担当者のGerome Rothman >> tozen.rothman@gmail.com <<までメールにてご相談ください。


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